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Phoenicia / by George Rawlinson. - London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1889. - XVII, [1], 356 p. : ill., map. - (The story of the nations).
I. Phœnicia—the Country—its Position and Products
II. The People—their origin and ethnic Character
III. The Cities—their Position, Principal Features, and Mutual Relations
IV. The Colonies
V. Early Phœnician Enterprise — Sidonian Li Rovers in Pre-Homeric Times
VI. Rise of Tyre to the First Rank among the Cities — Hiram’s dealings with David and Solomon
VII. Ithobal and Ahab—Darker aspect of the Phcenician Religion
VIII. Story of the Founding of Carthage
IX. Phcenicia’s Contest with Assyria, and her Position as Assyria’s Tributary
X. Phcenicia’s Recovery of Independence—Her Commerce at this Period
XI. Phcenicia’s Contest with Babylon
XII. The Circumnavigation of Africa, an Episode in Phcenician History
XIII. Phcenicia under the Babylonians
XIV. Phcenicia under the Persians
XV. Alexander and the Phcenicians—Siege and Destruction of Tyre
XVI. Phcenicia Under the Greeks and Romans
XVII. Phœnician Architecture
XVIIl. Phcenician Manufactures and Works of Art
XIX. Phœnician Language, Writing, and Literature