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- - - Asiatic researches; or, Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the history and antiquities; the arts, sciences, and literature of Asia. Vol. 2. – 1801. – 520
I. DISCOURSE the Fourth: on the Arabs.
II. Discourse the Fifth: on the Tartars.
III. Discourse the Sixth: on the Persians.
IV. On the Descent of the Afghans from the Jews.
V. On the Island of Hinzuan.
VI. On the Indian Gross-beak.
VII. On the Chronology of the Hindus.
VIII. On the Cure of the Elephantiasis.
IX. On the Indian Game of Chess.
X. Inscriptions from the Vindya Mountains.
XI. A Description of Asam.
XII. On the Mountaineers of Tripura.
XIII. On the Book of Chinese Odes.
XIV. On the Introduction of Arabic into Persian.
XV. On the Astronomy of the Hindus.
XVI. On the Indian Zodiac.
XVII. An Account of Nepal.
XVIII. On the Cure of Persons bitten by Snakes.
XIX. On some Roman Coins found at Nelore.
XX. On two Indian Festivals, and the Sphinx.
XXI. On the Isle of Carnicobar.
XXII. On the Medicinal Plants of India.
XXIII. On the Dissection of the Pangolin.
XXIV. On the Lac lnsect.
XXV. Discourse the Seventh: on the Chinese.
XXVI. An Inscription found near Islamabad.
XXVII. A Supplement to No. VII.
XXVIII. On the Spikenard of the Antients.
I. A Meteorological Diary.
II. On the Cases in deducing the Longitude.
III. On an Ancient Building in Hajipur.
IV. On some Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites.
V. On the Hindu Binomial Theorem.