Publication «The three musketeers. Vol. 1»
- Author Дюма (отец) Александр [1802, 24 июля - 1870, 5 декабря]
- Artist/illustrator Лелуар Морис [1853, 1 ноября - 1940, 7 октября]
Year of publishing:
Place of publication:
New York; Boston
Publishing house:
Thomas Y. Crowell & Company
Publication Language:
Scientific topics
- 17.82.31 Novels, stories (large forms)
Included in the collections
Full text:
Bibliographic Description:
The three musketeers. Vol. 1 / by Alexandre Dumas ; ill. by Maurice Leloir. – New York ; Boston : Thomas Y. Crowell & Company, 1894. – XXIII, [1], 363 p. : ill.